Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Another Successful Blog Experiment

I'm pretty satisfied with myself right now, even if I do say so myself. It's not much, really...(doesn't take much to impress me!)...but I think it's a good sign. That new blog I started really scored some pretty good AdSense ad clicks today.

Here's what I really did. I had a spare lawn mower that I had decided to sell by advertising it in my local newspaper. This paper offers free ads for inexpensive items, and they run for 3 days. Well, I thought I could set up a little blog just for this too, and post a few pictures of the mower on it, etc. And if I used my domain name, it would fit in the short classified ad they give you for free. (Only 4 lines.) I figured, who knows, put some AdSense ads on there too and see what happens - maybe I'll even get a few clicks.

The mower sold on the very first day, but I left the ad in the paper since it was free anyway. Boy am I glad I did! I got more paid clicks today than any single day back in December with my fairly popular baby-alive blog that month. And the clickthrough rate was way way better too - almost a click for every 2 visitors the page had today!

Turns out that this was a pretty good idea! Most of the readers who came online to see pictures of the lawnmower I advertised were finding all the lawnmower related AdSense ads hard to resist clicking on!

I'd like to think this confirms that I'm starting to figure this out, starting to know what I'm doing with this Google AdSense publishing. I can do this whenever I sell things in the newspaper and make a few more dollars on the AdSense clicks, while showing pictures of the items that wouldn't normally get to be seen in the newspaper classifieds. And it's all absolutely COST FREE, which is my favorite price in the world!

This also marks another ever so small milestine, but a milestone for me nontheless. I'm now more than 25% of the way toward that elusive First Ever Check from Google AdSense, which needs to be at least $100. (I'm over $26 now!) I know, it doesn't sound very impressive to most people I'm sure, but that will be a real cause for celebration the day I finally receive that first check from Google. I've already warned my wife to expect some celebration when that finally happens in the (hopefully!) near future! It will be nice to be able to show her an actual check, rather than those tiny little numbers on the earnings screen...and most importantly, it will mean that all this stuff I'm learning to do is actually starting to work.

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