Sunday, November 12, 2006

Got My First SurveyScout Sale!

I just got my first Survey Scout sale this week, and after only just 30 visitors to my link! 3% response rate seems pretty good. And once again it's a sale made without ANY money being spent to achieve it. I imagine that it was one of the TrafficSwarm members doing their "required" surfing, and he got hooked on that sales page. (It is a pretty tempting one!) That's still the only "advertising" I've done so far, so I guess I have to give TrafficSwarm the credit. (But I'll keep the commission for myself!)

It was only about $23.00 we're talking about here, but my point didn't cost me anything to earn it. Who really cares how much or little it is when it didn't cost anything to get - it's ALL profit!

There are some people who negatively write off the whole affiliate marketing idea as a waste of time and money, but I think I'm finding all the proof I need that it does work and it can be done. I just have to step things up a little so that the numbers get worth talking about...or at least able to be sent me in the first place. ClickBank doesn't send you your earnings until you've made sales to at least 5 different credit card accounts. (PayPal doesn't count though, which I just found out with this particular sale.) Oh well...still one down and four to go.

I have 3 ads running on TrafficSwarm right now: One for Survey Scout, one for FreeViral, (Which I advertise SurveyScout on), and one for this blog. That's my only advertising, other than 3 or 4 blog comments I left a link to this blog on, and now a listing on, which requires only a link back to them on your blog. Other than that, it's free to get listed on, so you might want to check it out. I've listed this blog in their Affiliate Marketing group.

I haven't posted here much lately since I've been a little busy doing the old eBay thing. This time of year it seems like just about everything sells on there, so I've been taking advantage of it to get a few things sold that I've been meaning to. It's a great way to work up some Christmas spending money in time for the season! (Until I become a master internet marketing computer-income guru, that is!)

If you're curious and would like to check out what I'm trying to sell at any given time, my eBay user name is "digitafel". I explain how I came up with that name on my eBay "About Me" page. I've been using eBay for a few years, so I have a pretty good idea of what sells and doesn't sell, and how to write a decent description, etc. Hey, eBay is one of the most visited websites on the entire internet, so it pays to be involved in it. I even put a link to this blog on my "About Me" page for good measure. I just wonder if anyone ever looks at it. Maybe I should use StatCounter on that too, if eBay allows it!


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