Friday, February 02, 2007

Experimenting With Wordpress

I hear so much discussion about which blog site people like to use more, Blogger or Wordpress. I've been using Blogger so far, so I thought I'd try Wordpress for my next project since so many people seem to prefer it. I've got to say though, I don't know if it's because I started out with Blogger first or not, but I find Wordpress pretty hard to figure out. It's got some nice looking templates and maybe a few more features, but I definitely find it harder to figure out how to accomplish what I want to with it. And there's very little help along the just have to grind through and figure out how to do what you need to do by trial and error until you figure it out. Plus, you can't insert Google AdSense ads without downloading some sort of a plug-in first, and I don't believe they even allow you to post affiliate links. So if you're totally new at blogging, in my own humble opinion, I would still recommend Blogger myself. Hopefully they'll get their own bugs worked out before long, too.

I did stick with using Wordpress long enough to create a little blog just to try it out, so I need to start promoting it and get some inbound links set up for it. I'd like to see if I can at least duplicate the modest success I had with the Baby Alive blog this past Christmas season. But I still need to figure out how to deal with that plug-in that's required just to get the AdSense ads posted to it.

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