Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Starting The New Year Right!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Now that the holidays are over, (and all the distractions that go along with them) I can get back to concentrating on this new business of mine. For a change, I'm starting this year with a PLAN, not just a wish for a way to make some extra money. It's a nice feeling.

Once again, the "baby-alive" blog I put up as more or less an experiment worked pretty well to get some Google Adsense earnings. And even with very little promotion from a handful of comment posts I placed in a few well targeted areas. So I'm excited just knowing that I could just as well create several similar sites and earn that much more income from them...and that's what I now plan to do.

That seasonal idea was a good test I think, since it drew a surprising amount of traffic pretty quickly. Although, as expected, by Christmas Eve it was pretty much the end of the AdSense clicks. It was exciting while it lasted though. But now I'll need to choose some non-seasonal subjects to create some sites about so that won't be a problem. Of course, seasonal subjects can be successful while they last...but as far as immediate ideas, January sure seems boring after November & December. Oh well, I'll think of something! (I hope!)



Beauty in Diamonds said...

Hi John,

Thanks for posting about your progress and your quest for the first adsense cheque from your's very inspiring and I can't wait to get started with a blog experiment similar to yours!

I found your site from the link on Holly's forum.

Please keep up the good work, I plan to check back often for motivation :)

Good luck with your riches,

Michelle Crofts

John T. said...

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for your comment - it's nice to know there's someone out there reading this stuff. Wow, I guess this proves I'd better keep working on it! :)

I'll probably be seeing you over at Holly's forum, but thanks for checking in at my own humble little spot on the internet!
