Tuesday, January 16, 2007

AdSense or Affiliate Commisions?

I've been reading some information lately on both affiliate marketing and AdSense publishing. I guess sooner or later I need to decide which one I really want to concentrate my efforts on, since they are really two completely different and separate things.

I suppose you can certainly create websites that promote your affiliate links and also have Google AdSense ads displayed, but it seems like it's probably better to concentrate fully on one of the other. At least in the early going, since they really are two different things.

I love the idea of Google AdSense publishing because so much of what you have to worry about with affiliate marketing doesn't even apply. For instance, you don't have to worry about link cloaking, since you're not using links anyway. All you need to do is create a website, or blog, that has enough information on a given subject to attract people, bring in some well targeted traffic, and then let the Google AdSense ads do their job.

Eventually I plan to incorporate both affiliate links AND AdSense ads on my site(s), but for now I'm going to concentrate more on using AdSense, since I've already had SOME success with it.

Monday, January 08, 2007

AdSense Nonsense on New Blogger

I don't know why, but I'm having problems since converting this blog to the "new" Blogger format, which I didn't really want to do in the first place but felt sort of forced to. I kind of wish I didn't now. Ever since I agreed to let it be converted I can't make any changes to the AdSense ads. It keeps giving me an error message that seems to indicate that the wrong account is listed. I even emailed Blogger about it and they never even responded.

On a positive note, I did get a new idea for another blog to draw AdSense clicks on, so I'll be getting that in order shortly. It will be interesting to see if a newly created blog will have the same problem with AdSense or not. I guess I might just have to remove AdSense altogether from this one and re-add it from scratch.

I don't know if this very blog is very well suited to using AdSense ads anyway though. To be honest, they're getting practically no results at all on here. I'm not really surprised though; I've seen several others write that blogs that are about blogging itself don't usually get much AdSense clicking action. It's like hey, there are no secrets here - people who read this know I make some money if the ads get clicked on. But write a blog on any number of other unrelated subjects and the readers of those don't even suspect it...so they feel free to click away.

Same thing with affiliate marketing links - people that are already ClickBank affiliates, etc., recognize an affiliate link from a mile away, so you need to get into "link cloaking" techniques, etc., to try to make it less obvious to them. It's like trying to sell books on basic sales techniques to already experienced sales people - they know all about what you're trying to do. So do I really want to try to fool them somehow, and can it even be done? I guess the old saying about being able to fool some of the people some of the time, etc., makes the most SENSE afterall!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Starting The New Year Right!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Now that the holidays are over, (and all the distractions that go along with them) I can get back to concentrating on this new business of mine. For a change, I'm starting this year with a PLAN, not just a wish for a way to make some extra money. It's a nice feeling.

Once again, the "baby-alive" blog I put up as more or less an experiment worked pretty well to get some Google Adsense earnings. And even with very little promotion from a handful of comment posts I placed in a few well targeted areas. So I'm excited just knowing that I could just as well create several similar sites and earn that much more income from them...and that's what I now plan to do.

That seasonal idea was a good test I think, since it drew a surprising amount of traffic pretty quickly. Although, as expected, by Christmas Eve it was pretty much the end of the AdSense clicks. It was exciting while it lasted though. But now I'll need to choose some non-seasonal subjects to create some sites about so that won't be a problem. Of course, seasonal subjects can be successful while they last...but as far as immediate ideas, January sure seems boring after November & December. Oh well, I'll think of something! (I hope!)
