Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Blog Experiment Is Looking Better

I guess I spoke too soon when I said my blog on Baby Alive dolls was just a waste of time. In the last week or so the traffic has really picked up, getting well over 100 hits a day often. And accordingly, the Google Adsense ads have finally begun earning a bit also. Now I already wish I had set up more blogs like that one so those earnings would have been multiplied! (I'm still a ways off that elusive $100 minimum check amount from Google.) But I can see that with a string of blogs running the Adsense ads, an actual substantial amount could be earned in that way alone. And throw in a few ClickBank or other affiliate sales here and there and things look better yet. I'd have to rate this as "interesting" to say the least! (Especially considering the fact that this can all be done at NO cost!)

The doll I listed on eBay didn't quite sell for what I had purchased it for, so that didn't turn out as well as planned. I didn't realize how plentiful they are on eBay, even though they aren't in stores, and that's what cost me. Maybe those Adsense earnings might save the deal and pick up the difference eventually. Either way, I'll chalk it up as being an educational experience. At least I've learned a thing or two more along the way by getting involved, and that's what counts.


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